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  • "The cerebro-physiological switch" (CPS) [with/remitted)
  • During its first year of life, a child can normally only breathe through its nose (extreme situations can force mouth breathing by an extraordinary mode of crying). If an excessively strong, continual stimulus resulting from a certain atmosphere and caused by other people (e.g. the child's parents) acts upon several olfactory cells, the regions that receive and govern these impulses cease to function.
    • Such excessive amounts of aromatic substances may be given off in the child's geographical environment or by the persons that care for the child (strong smelling sweat, stomach, atmospheric tension, resulting from the immediate interpersonal situation, old-age symptoms, etc.).
  • In accordance with the principle of self-preservation, these cells protect themselves by discontinuing their functions; in accordance with the principle of divergence, they can no longer carry any messages; in accordance with the principle of convergence, alternate routes must be found. The faculty of qualification is blocked, resulting in an excessive (insufficiently limited) quantity, which, following its transformation into nervous impulses, cannot be processed sufficiently well by the first medially located nervous organ in the brain, the olfactory bulb, and leads to an overload there, to a new quality.
  • An infant is incapable of defending itself against excessive amounts of "aromatic substances" (it cannot yet breathe through its mouth, nor can it escape), the olfactory mechanism cannot be interrupted (for which reason colds in infants are quite dangerous), so that a nerve cell region reacts by blocking itself off (cerebro-physiological switch), necessitating subsequent convergence, that is, if the number of impulses does not exceed the threshold of non-processability.
    • Brief description of this "closure process": Certain receptors responsible for selection of aromatic substances are exposed to excessive amounts of said substances, become overloaded and cease to function. Other receptors, related to these in their chemical structure, take in these aromatic substances to the point of extreme satiation. This results in an increase in impulse frequency, which would destroy the corresponding nerve cells and can lead to "sudden" death in a way analogous to the burning out of a fuse (e.g. mors subita infantum in infants).
  • The synapses of the nerves involved synthesize gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) as a antitoxin. When the amount of oxygen available no longer suffices, GABA can be produced by means of a chemical "rerouting" of the citrate cycle. Only a minimum of ATP (energy) is produced. This GABA blocks the activity of the nerve cells.
  • Chief among the effects of the cerebro-physiological switch is that, although the thalamic "receiver station" does receive sufficient reality signals (via eyes, ears and skin), the activity of genuine emotions (for the difference between these and cognitive feelings, see Chapter 6) is so strongly affected by what is occurring in the olfactory pathways, that those affected experience themselves as being different very early on and must compensate this being different by means of subconscious noogenic processes.
  • Once the cell area in the olfactory bulb has been "blocked", the child is no longer able to develop its own genuine feelings (I speak of a "babyheart"); the feelings learned and experienced up until that time are stored in the gyrus parahippocampalis (the "memory" of the hippocampus, in which the formation of genuine feelings is centered), but are not strong enough to compete with the stimuli surging from the thalamus against the corpus mamillare (c.m.). Per effectum, the c.m. remains "closed". This results in the suction effect on the TRO: the cerebro-physiological switch effect innervates the activity of the rostral nerve center area (NCA). Increased amounts of stress hormones are secreted, which can lead to so-called choleric attacks, followed by periods of quiet ("forgive and forget") - other people are amazed at how quickly someone calm down and how forgiving they can be following such an attack!
  • The neurovegetative and/or hormonal processes triggered by associations (and by external sources), which, once triggered, are no longer under the control of the LH, are experienced by them as though they were outside themselves and inwardly desperate without being able to show this, for worries of appearing helpless on top of it all. This is why these people then tend to activate the "Big-Mac syndrome" ("I can do it all"; Vol.V No. and above all the "freight-train syndrome" ("Bring all the problems to me, I can manage them all", op.cit., No. - without manifesting any real dynamic activity of their own by actually collecting problems, such as in the "grandma syndrome" ( "I'll take care of all of you", op.cit., No. The cerebro-physiological switch above all effectively blocks the caudal NCA in the hypothalamic region of the TRO (in contrast to the hyperathymia maxima -, in which the rostral NCA is effectively blocked: in cerebro-physiological switch the rostral NCA is overloaded, in hyperathymia maxima the caudal).
  • Special noo-analytical treatment can bring about a complete remission of the cerebro-physiological switch. The following changes can be precisely described by those concerned and have clearly recognizable physiological consequences.
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